تكوين زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
يتكون زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ) من ( was ، were ) ثم المصدر ثم ( ing ) فيكون تكوين الجملة في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
بقية الجملة + ( ing ) + الفعل في المصدر ( Verb ) + ( was ، were ) + الفاعل
مثال 1: .He was playing football
مثال 2: .I was watching TV
مثال 3: .We were going to the garden
مثال 4: .They were going to sleep
مثال 5: .It was raining at 9 a.m
مثال 6: .He was studying for the exam
مثال 7: .I was doing my homework at 7 a.m yesterday
مثال 8: .Yesterday at 8 p.m I was etting my dinner
مثال 9: .It was raining at 9 p.m
مثال 10: .We were playing football in the garden
مثال 11: .I was studying when Mohamed called
مثال 12: .You were going to school when I called you
مثال 13: .When I was at the supermarket I was bringing the meet
مثال 14: .I was doing my homework while my brother was playing football
مثال 15: .While I was playing football my mother called me
مثال 16: .I was studying while my mother was calling me
مثال 17: ?Were you playing football yesterday
مثال 18: ?Was he studying his lessons
مثال 19: ?Was it raining outside
مثال 20: ?Were you working yesterday
مثال 21: ?Was he sleeping
مثال 22: ?Where was I putting the dishes
مثال 23: ?When were you push the table
مثال 24: ?What were you doing at 7 p.m yesterday
مثال 25: ?How was she traveling
مثال 26: ?Why was it snowing in the summer
مثال 27: .I was not working
مثال 28: .They were not playing in the garden
مثال 29: .We were not shopping
مثال 30: .He was not studying for the exam
إقتراح: تعلم طريقة عمل باسورد لجهازك الكمبيوتر( اللابتوب )
بيعبر عن ايه ( بنستخدمه امته ):
بيعبر زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ) عن:
حدث كان مستمر لفترة معينة في الماضي.
مثال 1: .I was doing my homework at 7 a.m yesterday
مثال 2: .Yesterday at 8 p.m I was etting my dinner
مثال 3: .It was raining at 9 p.m
مثال 4: .We were playing football in the garden
حدث كان مستمر في الماضي ثم قطعه حدث آخر:
مثال 1: .I was studying when Mohamed called
مثال 2: .You were going to school when I called you
مثال 3: .When I was at the supermarket I was bringing the meet
حدثين كانوا مستمرين في نفس الفترة في الماضي:
مثال 1: .I was doing my homework while my brother was playing football
مثال 2: .While I was playing football my mother was calling me
مثال 3: .I was studying while my mother was calling me
السؤال بهل في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
يتم السؤال بهل في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ) عن طريق أن نأتي بالفعل المساعد ( was ، were ) في بداية الجملة ثم الفاعل ثم الفعل في المصدر مضافا إليه ( ing ) فيكون تكوين الجملة:
المفعول ( Object ) + ( ing ) + الفعل في المصدر ( Verb ) + الفاعل ( Subject ) + ( Was ، Were )
مثال 1: ?Were you playing football yesterday
مثال 2: ?Was he studying his lessons
مثال 3: ?Was it raining outside
مثال 4: ?Were you working yesterday
مثال 5: ?Was he sleeping
السؤال بأداة استفهام في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
نسأل بأداة الاستفهام في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ) عن طريق أن نأتي بأداة الاستفهام في بداية الجملة ثم نأتي بالفعل المساعد ( Was ، Were ) ثم الفاعل ثم الفعل مضافا إليه ( ing ) فيكون تكوين الجملة:
المفعول( Object ) + ( ing ) + الفعل في المصدر ( Verb ) + الفاعل( Subject ) + ( Was ، Were ) + أداة الإستفهام
مثال 1: ?Where was I putting the dishes
مثال 2: ?When were you push the table
مثال 3: ?What were you doing at 7 p.m yesterday
مثال 4: ?How was she traveling
مثال 5: ?Why was it snowing in the summer?
إقتراح: تعلم طريقة عمل باسورد للفلاش ميموري أو الهارد ديسك لحمايتها من الإختراق
نفي الجملة في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
يتم نفي الجملة في زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ) عن طريق أن نأتي ب ( Not ) بعد ( Was ، Were ) فيكون تكوين الجملة:
بقية الجملة + ( ing ) + الفعل في المصدر ( Verb ) + ( Not ) + ( was ، were ) + الفاعل
مثال 1: .I was not working
مثال 2: .They were not playing in the garden
مثال 3: .We were not shopping
مثال 4: .He was not studying for the exam
الكلمات الدالة على زمن الماضي المستمر ( Past Continuous ):
In those days
At that time
All evening
All morning
All night
At that moment
Yesterday evening
All-day yesterday
شرح زمن المستقبل البسيط ( Future Simple )
شرح زمن المضارع البسيط ( Present Simple )
شرح زمن الماضي البسيط ( Past Simple )